Tag Archives: performance


adam's rotors x audi style racing x audizine

here's a killer video documenting the last Audi Style Racing event, the team, the car, & a checkered!

Audizine Audi Style LeMons from Sean Rivers on Vimeo.

recap of the brake set-up the car is running:

great work from Sean, look forwarding to seeing the upcoming feature on ROTORS8!

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AR is track proven! [product review]

adam's rotors put thru the paces...

“When it was time to upgrade our brakes for our Audi race car, Adam’s Rotors was the first company that came to mind. With an impressive amount of positive reviews (check out the Feedback section of his website), a great price, and a strong following on Audizine and within the Audi community at large – we knew Adam’s Rotors would be a good fit for our Coupe. Even better, Adam was willing to sponsor us for a set of rotors, as he understands helping out the community and has a mutual passion for Audi & motorsports in general. One look at the Adam’s Rotors Website, Facebook page or Twitter Feed will show just how committed Adam is, and just how many satisfied customers Adam’s has – these customers are not only using his product, but are out there acting as advocates of his company and recommending him to anyone that will listen – a true testament to the level of service and quality of product Adam provides.

“We put them through the paces. With an underpowered car, we took every advantage the excellent braking system gave us. Deeper into the corners we took them, and they handled both quick firm stops and gently adjusting the car’s weight as needed.” 

While there are a lot of reviews of Adam’s Rotors out there, not many of them are focused on the race performance, safety, or the durability of the rotors – at Audi Style Racing, we feel we are very qualified to review these aspects of the rotors based on our experience in 24 hours of LeMons with them. For those of you who don’t know about 24 Hours of LeMons, it is an endurance race for cars purchased under $500 – more about the rules here, and more about the race here. Our first race ended up being slightly over 16 hours of racing, spread out over 2 days in 8 hour sessions. For anyone that has ever tracked their car, 8 hours of racing is enough to completely destroy your tires, brakes, and sometimes even you or your car itself. Putting your car through the paces over 8 hours will definitely expose your weak points and your strengths - if something is going to fail, a 16 hour endurance race will do the trick.”

be sure to check out the full review & company synopsis HERE at the Audi Style Racing site!

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